Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Nathaniel Bassey to his wife on her birthday

I remember asking my wife to marry me, and after she shared it with a "friend", the fellow said to her, " is that the best you can do for your self ?". Perhaps meaning, "how can you decide to marry some small boy who says he is a musician.?"
Well, today, the story is different and God has been faithful.
She has been a great source of support, allowing me serve God and my generation with my gifts. And wherever we go, she is celebrated and appreciated for being my wife.
I celebrated my wife, SARAH, on her birthday .Today. And use the medium to say thank you for having the faith to say yes. I remember saying to her, " I didn't have money o",( at least not as much as the oil and bank boys - LOL) but that I had Jesus and a great gift and potential. I added I wasn't a lazy man. Who believed in working hard and smart. And that given the opportunity, we would do great exploits in the kingdom around the world.
And in the last two birthdays we have had to celebrate her outside the country, together lifting Jesus high. And we have only begun.
Happy birthday My love. Your life has just begun. Get ready for greater grace and glory. God bless you.
And to my single sisters. Don't marry money. Marry vision. Don't marry swag. Marry purpose. Marry for where you are going, and not for where you are at the moment.

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